Truman Sees Us Floods (1951)

Full title reads: “Truman Sees US Floods“. Kansas, United States of America (USA). GV Debris heaped up at foot of bridge spanning swollen river. SV Debris. MS Damaged freight cars. GV Broken bridges Flood water swirling past. MV Cars lying on side. MS Damaged houses. MS Pan cracked walls of houses. MV Air to air President’s personal ’plane touring flood area. SV Interior President Harry S Truman looking at map. Major General Lewis A Pick and Charles E Wilson with him. CU President Truman. MV Flooded Oil refinery. MV Ground shot President’s ’plane flying over damaged industrial site. MV Cattle wading through flood waters. SV Horse threshing round in water. MV Debris piled up. CU Exhausted pig on roof of car. GV Silt left by flooded waters. City in background. MV People shovelling silt from window. MV Sidewalks being swept. MV Cars deep in mud. GV Debris. (F.G.) (Orig. C.) Selected Originals exist for this item - see other records. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ON
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