iPad 9th Generation with the Logitech Combo Touch Keyboard 🍏📱

Well here is the newest addition to the setup. I was after something light that i could take out with me to be able to work on social media stuff and decided to go with the cheapest iPad that apple have to offer. I went with the ipad 9th generation as i felt that the upgrades on the 10th generation wasn’t worth the extra £150 and with that money i could pick myself up an Apple Pencil generation 1 and a keyboard case. I spent a lot of time looking on youtube at potential cases for the ipad that didn’t cost the earth and i spotted the Logitech combo touch. After watching a few reviews i felt that this would be the one for me. To try and save some money i thought about getting one second hand but they were pretty much the same price on eBay second hand as a new one so i gave up looking. I had another look a few days later and one came up pretty cheap, i threw a cheeky offer in and they accepted and here it is! I haven’t used the apple keyboard cases but from what I’ve seen on many r
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