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July 25, 2023
- 🇹🇷 #turkey | Wildfire Continues To Burn Near Resort Town In Antalya
- 🇮🇹 #italy | Italy wildfires force airport to close as temperatures soar to 47C
- 🇫🇷 #france | Wildfires break out along France’s Mediterranean coast
- 🇵🇹 #portugal | Hundreds of firefighters in Portugal battle blaze near capital Lisbon
- 🇪🇦 #spain | Forest Fire Burned 200 Hectares in Gran Canaria
- 🇲🇽 #mexico | A bright meteor lit up the sky over several
... Mexican provinces
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On t he “CLIMATE Change“ channel you can watch videos with extreme weather events from all over the world. natural disasters , flashflood , flooding , floods , flood , earthquake , climate change , climate crisis , climate , climate emergency , winter , summer , spring , autumn , sun , sunset , eclipse , hail , hailstorm , granizado , granizada , tormenta , lluvia , lluvias , snowfall , snow , blizzard , snowstorm , waves , inondations , heavy rain , thunder storm , rainfall , rain , rains , chuvas , storm , hurricane , tornado , cyclone , meteo weather , meteor , fireball , volcano , volcan , eruption , waterspout , duststorm , landslide , winds , wildlife incendio , end of time , tsunami , allagamento , tromba d’acqua , Terremoto ,vulcano , neve , grandinata , Grêle , tempo metereologico , eclisse , uragano , incendio forestale , наводнение , цунами , Землетрясение , затмение , лесной пожар , град , торнадо , ураган , вулкан , снег , метеор , terremoto , nieve , meteorito , huracán , incendio ForestalShow more