Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is September 30, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER No. 79.

Throughout the Middle Ages the Christians of Central Europe shared a terrible fear which is all but forgotten today. It was a fear which caused Christian parents to exercise special care over their children at the time of the Jewish holy day of Passover. Their greatest dread was that their child might be kidnapped and never seen again because it was widely believed that the Jews practiced human sacrifice at Passover and that the victims were Christian children. That ancient blood fear of the Jews by Christians largely died out in the centuries following the Renaissance. Today most Christians are shocked to learn that any such belief ever existed. As for the Jews themselves, there is a rabbinical term that is used to condemn the ancient Christian blood-fear. It is called “blood libel.“ For generations now, the old issue of blood libel has been essentially a dead one, a thing of the past. No Jew in his right mind would want it otherwise. To revive the issue of blood libel is to resurrect ancient fears, unreasoning passions, and mortal danger to every Jew alive. Yes, most Jews would be better off if they never again heard about the ancient Christian blood-fear of the Jews; but this month none other than the Government of Israel has deliberately revived the so-called “blood libel“ issue. My three special topics for this AUDIO LETTER are: Topic #1--THE ABORTED PLAN FOR SURPRISE NUCLEAR WAR Topic #2--THE BEIRUT MASSACRE FOR WAR TO COME Topic #3--THE RETURN OF THE “SIBERIA EXPRESS“ WEATHER WAR.
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