Ride in the Sky - E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (9/10) Movie CLIP (1982) HD

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don’t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: Watch more Family and Animation videos to get all the best content that’s fun for all ages: Best Animated Movie Clips Best Family Movie Clips CLIP DESCRIPTION: Just as they are about to be stopped by police and government officials, E.T. lifts the boys’ bikes into the air and brings them to safety. FILM DESCRIPTION: Both a classic movie for kids and a remarkable portrait of childhood, E.T. is a sci-fi adventure that captures that strange moment in youth when the world is a place of mysterious pos...sibilities (some wonderful, some awful), and the universe seems somehow separate from the one inhabited by grown-ups. Henry Thomas plays Elliott, a young boy living with his single mother (Dee Wallace), his older brother Michael (Robert MacNaughton), and his younger sister Ge
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