Build your own Juggling Clubs!

For #TeamSeas, I created DIY plastic bottle juggling clubs from some water bottles in my recycling bin. Once you have all the materials, this project can be completed in under an hour! The bottle clubs are light (around 150-175 grams), but surprisingly balanced and would be great for beginners looking for a affordable club to start with. Thanks #TeamSeas for giving me the inspiration to create this tutorial! I love DIY Crafts, but I’m not great at making things... these bottle clubs exceeded my expectations in performance, and aesthetically I’m pleased with how they turned out ❤ DIY Clubs are legit. Related content links: 🌊🌊🌊Visit and DONATE so we can take 30 million pounds of trash out of oceans, rivers, and beaches!!! 🌊🌊🌊 TeamSeas is partnering with the Ocean Cleanup and The Ocean Conservatory to help remove 30 million pounds of trash from our water supplies 🎪 Green Club Project &
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