Chuck & Georgina // Set Me Off [UVC]

**WATCH IN HQ (if there’s an HQ button) FINISHED. I DID IT. god, this was not easy, i tell ya! i dont really like makin these kinda videos, coz they’re not very easy to do (hehe). but this was actually kinda fun. well at first, but then it got harder and harder to find matching clips. you can see it in the video because after sum time it’s gettin worse and worse, lol. there isnt really a storyline, coz im always to lazy to think of one. this is basically what i’d imagine Chuck and Georgie’s relationship like. playin games with each other, foolin around with lots of girls/guys, but secretly cant resisting each other. so just follow the lyrics, i think they explain it best. so the song is by the lovely Saturdays, who i’ve really gotten into recently. so expect sum more videos to their songs up soon! (already started 2, both GG videos) oh yea, and this is for the Ultimate Vidder Contest, Challenge 3, here’s is the link to that:
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