BURNED ALIVE! - The Execution Of The Female Spies Of .

During the Second World War, many different armies dealt with spies by immediately executing them. But there was a group of female spies recruited by British Special Operations Executive (SOE) to conduct work alongside the French Resistance. Vera Leigh, Diana Rowden, Sonia Olschanezky and Andree Borrel all working within Paris carrying messages between different members of the Resistance to carry out acts of sabotage. They played an important role, however all of their networks crumbled and were discovered by the Gestapo. They were all arrested and were imprisoned at the notorious Fresnes Prison in Paris. However despite the four women having different backgrounds, they were all brought together to Natzweiler-Struthof, a concentration camp in France. But here they were held briefly before one by one they were executed. They did not get a firing squad, but experienced an execution which was much more brutal. They were given an injection to sedate them before one by one they were thrown into the oven of
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