Life in a mental asylum God plays sax the Devil violin / Dumnezeu la saxofon dracu la vioara 2004

For description see below Prize winning documentary about life in a mental asylum in Romania / Spital de psihiatrie cronici ///  Is There Life Before Death ? (2002) - Andras Feldmar God plays sax, the Devil violin (2004) - Alexandra Gulea (Dumnezeu la saxofon dracu la vioara) Eating, sleeping, popping pills; eating, sleeping, popping pills; and sleeping again. These are the only activities that seem to enliven the everyday life of 300 people living in a Romanian psychiatric home, in a forgotten region somewhere between the capital of Bucharest and the southern Carpathians. The unvarying cycle that the body adopts, between medication and wakefulness, resembles the movement of the old oil pumps that constitute the landscape surrounding the home. Substituting as an inmate of the asylum, the camera attempts to show us from the inside this daily monotony, these small acts in the fight for survival. I
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