OTTOBRE design® summer 3/2022

OTTOBRE design® summer issue 3/2022 will soon be published! Warmest greetings from OTTOBRE! In spite of the news broadcasts constantly reporting about outrageous horrors that are taking place in the world around us, the cycle of the seasons continues as usual. Nature and observing natural phenomena can soothe one’s mind. Signs of summer are starting to emerge: Buds on the trees are swelling rapidly, the sunlight sparkles on the last remnants of snow in the back garden, and optimistic, polyphonic birdsong pours into the house through an open window. Since there is little one can do to alter ...such distressing world events, it’s probably best right now to try to stick to one’s daily routine and do one’s work as well as one can. For the past couple of months, we in the editorial office have been beavering away at our new summer issue. We indulged in nostalgia and designed a collection of marine clothes for children, including sweetest sailor pants, dresses and tiny tops. There a
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