Jasina, Zakarpattya, Ukraine

( video 1999, Zakarpattya, Jasina, Ukraine). The Zakarpattya Oblast is a beautiful part of Ukraine and has a unique geographical location along the southwestern side of the Carpathian Mountains and Dunabe lowlands. The geographical position of the region also makes it a convenient junction between countries situated all over Europe. Zakarpattya is the youngest oblast in Ukraine and was only given freedom in October 1944. The oblast is bordered by Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. The 12,8 thousand square kilometers of the Zakarpattya Oblast has been called a variety of names over the decades. Uhorska Russia, Karpatska Ukraine, Karpatska Russia and Zakarpatska Ukraine, are just some of the names. It was in 1946, when the region became part of the USSR, that the name “Zakarpatska oblast“ was given to the area. There are over 1.2 million people that are of various nationalities living in the oblast. The majority of the population is Ukrainian, but there are also Romanians, Russians, Slovaks
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