Canvas Scaler, Explained | Unity Tutorial

Learn all about the Canvas Scaler! The Canvas Scaler comes by default whenever you make a Canvas in Unity, but many of us don’t fully understand how it works or what it does. When making a game, ensuring your UI scales reasonably across multiple different aspect ratios and screen resolutions is critical. In this video we’ll dive deep into each scale mode available in the Canvas Scaler: ⚫ Constant Pixel Size ⚫ Scale With Screen Size ⚫ Constant Physical Size and talk about the strengths, weaknesses, and how to use each one. As always, the full project from this video is available on GitHub: Since we didn’t do any coding, this one is a little less useful, but you can see the anchor layout in more detail there. ---- Believe in LlamAcademy’s mission and have received value from the videos? Consider becoming a Patreon supporter: ---- Most tutorials
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