The Isolated Cinema

APPLY NOW (ONLY 1 SPOT AVAILABLE): The global pandemic has forced the world’s cinemas to close down. Göteborg Film Festival, the biggest film festival in Scandinavia, is therefore creating The Isolated Cinema on the lighthouse island of Pater Noster. One film enthusiast will be able to enjoy the festival in total isolation on a rock far out at sea, with film as his or her only companion. Is it you? Apply now January 29 - February 8, 2021, Göteborg, Sweden. #isolatedcinema #gbgfilmfestival #gbgfilmfestival2021 #göteborg #film #festival ------------------ Film credits Actress: Julia Forssell Directed by: John Boisen & Björn Fävremark Producers: Robert Danielsson & Theo Gabay Agency: Stendahls DOP: Fredrik Sellergren Focus Puller: Hannes Johansson Drone operator: Adam Hinsch VFX supervisor: Jonas Gramming VFX
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