A few days ago, Stefanos Kornilios Mitsis Poiitidis (skmp) announced on X that he had started working on a port of Grand Theft Auto III for the Dreamcast.
Shortly after, he shared the first screenshots and a video, and he has now made the project available as open source on GitLab! 🥳
In this preview video, I made slight modifications to regta3dc by compiling the source code with a dirty hack to achieve higher FPS, though this comes at the cost of reduced draw distance and lower 3D model quality. Additionally, it’s important to note that the project is in its early stages, and there are numer
...ous bugs. The game currently lacks audio support, so I’ve added music (Push It to the Limit!) in the edit.
A huge thank you to Stefanos Kornilios Mitsis Poiitidis for this ambitious project, to all the developers in the Dreamcast scene, and to the developers of the re3 project! 🙏
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Keeping the Dream Alive!
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