The Lord Of The Rings Superfans Review The Rings Of Power Official Teaser Trailer REUPLOADED
This video was posted on Amazon Prime UK youtube channel under the same title on 16 Feb 2022 which was made unlisted after the video got ratio’d with 1K dislikes to 85likes . It now has 12K dislikes to 147 likes as of 23rd Feb 2022
Link to original :
“There are certainly themes Tolkien felt were important. We made a promise to ourselves at the beginning of the process that we weren’t going to put any of our own politics, our own messages or our own themes into these movies. What we were trying to do was to analyse what was important to Tolkien and to try to honour that. In a way, were trying to make these films for him, not for ourselves.“
- Peter Jackson, Interview with GreenCine (Dec. 2002)
Excerpts from: Henry Resnick, “An Interview with Tolkien [March 2, 1966],” Niekas No. 18 (Late Spring 1967):
“Rhun is the Elvish word for ‘east.’ Asia, China, Japan, and all the things which people in the west regard as far away. And south of Harad is Africa, the hot countries.” - J R R Tolkien
In middle Earth non european countries are around Rhun and Harad - There is a functional and real way to input lore that includes diversity through this real world location relation it is why peter Jackson made the haradrim in his trilogy all middle eastern as they came from Harad - but they ignore this. The West (where middle earth takes place) like the shire is England / Europe
Take shadow of war (lord of the rings videogame) - The African looking gondorian Baranor was born originally in Harad as such it makes sense within the lore “Baranor was a Gondorian sergeant, and later captain, of Haradrim birth.“ - Lore of shadow of war
The show runners of amazon are choosing to ignore Tolkien’s geographical links here and instead are picking and choosing who gets to be who based on American Identity Politics of the modern day
The fact they are ignoring Harad or Rhun speaks volumes. Especially when these locations were not corrupted until sauron became powerful - You could create a beautiful narrative similar to the fall of numenor based in Harad - Where survivors of the corruption flee as refugees to gondor (west to middle earth’s centre) - this would be perfect as a way of including diversity as it fits the lore. You could then setup a revenge story of a african actor and his people wanting to take back his home from the dark forces of mordor’s influence in his homeland (Harad region)
The ACTUAL reason they are doing is this is not for a love of tolkien but the following:
“The plan should include how the casting director will consider issues of inclusion, such as race/ethnicity, disability, and LGBTQ identification in the primary roles of the production.“
“Examine the number of roles to be cast. Determine how many should go to women/non-binary individuals, people from specific racial or ethnic groups, people from the LGBTQ community, and people with disabilities based on the story and to increase on-screen representation.“
“Aiming to include one character from each of the following categories in speaking roles , with minimum 50% of these to be women : LGBTQIA , Person with a disability, and three regionally underrepresented Race/Ethnic/Cultural groups. “
Tolkien being a devout catholic would abhore LGBTQIA peoples being put into his catholic story . Further - He wrote lord of the rings in the way he did - With almost no women present for the majority - By Amazons own values they would seek to distort how Middle Earth is presented - One of a non - tolkien view but one of a modern 2022 agenda
Amazon bought the rights for LotR a mere 3 months after Christopher Tolkein resigned as director of the Tolkein Estate.
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