Официальная поддержка новой версии Gran Turismo Sophy 2.0.

Polyphony Digital, in collaboration with Sony and Sony Interactive Entertainment, have officially added Gran Turismo Sophy (GT Sophy), Sony AI and PDI’s co-developed next generation AI racing agent, to ’Gran Turismo 7’ (PS5 version only) with the November Spec II update released on 2 November. This AI agent named Gran Turismo Sophy 2.0, can be played with 340 cars on nine different tracks. Players can now race with GT Sophy using 95% of the game’s car models, a significant evolution from the four cars and four tracks available in the limited-time release. Furthermore, the AI’s awesome superhuman driving ability was on display during previous demonstrations at live events such as the ’Gran Turismo World Series Showdown’, but GT Sophy 2.0 included in this latest update is adjustable to support players of all levels. With sportsmanship in mind, the AI has been designed to deliver fun and exciting racing experiences for everyone, from beginners to advanced racers. Experience f
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