Events In Saigon (1955)

Unissued / unused material. Events in Saigon, Vietnam. Various shots troops, tanks and armoured cars on city street. Various shots damage caused by the Binh Xuyen attack - car riddled with bullet holes, dead body in car, building damaged by shelling, soldiers searching ransacked rooms, troops patrolling streets. Various shots of military personnel and officials gathered for meeting (at Independence Palace?) Some are Vietnamese, some are European. Several men give speeches into microphone (General Phoung, President Ngo Dinh Diem of Vietnam?) NB: shot list on dope sheet differs from item transferred, looks like it has been reedited. Original shot list read: Damage caused by the Binh Xuyen attack. Prefectural headquarters and police headquarters. Police director speaking of events. Binh Xuyen soldiers on bridge holding position with armoured car and machine gun. French tanks and troops patrolling around French properties. Tran Van Soir, Pham Cong Thao and Gen. Le Van Vien, discussing ope
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