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She’s from the past. She belongs in the present.
(Dia dari masa lalu. Dia milik saat ini)
The head of Rhodes Island’s medical department, Kal’tsit.
(Kepala departemen medis Rhodes Island, Kal’tsit)
Kal’tsit is one of Rhodes Island’s top executives and the leader of Rhodes Island’s medical program. She has extensive knowledge in the fields of metallurgy, sociology, Originium technology, archaeology, historical genealogy, economics, botany, and geology. She provides medical theoretical assistance and emergency medical equipment as a member of the medical
staff during some of Rhodes Island’s operations, and is also active in various projects as a key member of Rhodes Island’s strategic chain of command.
(Kal’tsit adalah salah satu eksekutif tertinggi Rhodes Island dan pemimpin program medis Rhodes Island. Dia memiliki pengetahuan yang luas di bidang metalurgi, sosiologi, teknologi Originium, arkeologi, silsilah sejarah, ekonomi, botani, dan geologi. Dia menyediakan bantuan teori medis dan peralatan medis darurat sebagai anggota staf medis selama beberapa operasi Rhodes Island, dan juga aktif dalam berbagai proyek sebagai anggota kunci rantai komando strategis Rhodes Island)
VA: Yoko Hikasa
Artist: Wei@w