I own nothing:) WARNING: THIS VIDEO CONTAINS THE PAIRING OF KAKASHI AND SAKURA. BE MATURE AND LEAVE A GOOD/COMMENT/RATING. OMFG. IF I HADN’T JUST NOW READ NARUTO 483, I’D TOTALLY HAVE IT IN MY DMV d(T_T)b Anyway, like my new opening? It has all my otps minus SessKag, but i love it. I know what you’re thinking, ’KAKASAKU? WHAT IS THIS GIRL THINKING!?’ This is one of my favorite crack couples. I REALLY love reading KS fanfictions. X3 /shot /// V I D E O I N F O R M A T I O N \\\ Song: Artist: Ke$ha Footage: lots of KakaSaku doujins that do not belong to me. :D Program: SV 9.0 Thanks you for subbing me and I hope you’ll like this video as a present. *squishes you all*
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