Sharon Stone in BASIC INSTINCT - Interrogation Clip

San Francisco detective Nick Curran is investigating the murder of a once-celebrated rock star and he`s made a few unsettling discoveries: a bloody ice pick, a white silk scarf tied to a bedpost and evidence of an otherwise romantic evening. As Nick digs into the case, he becomes entangled in a deadly affair involving three intriguing women, each with an unexpected motive for crime. Catherine Tramell is a fast-living novelist who`s fictional murders have a strange way of coming true. Roxy is Catherine`s street-wise provocative girlfriend. Dr Beth Garner is a police psychologist counselling Nick... Yours to own on 4K now: =sr_1_1?crid=B8Q11ET63EN2&keywords=basic instinct 4k&qid=1666173434&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIyLjE0IiwicXNhIjoiMS4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuOTEifQ==&sprefix=basic insintc,aps,563&sr=8-1 #basicinstinct #sharonstone #studiocanal #michaeldouglas
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