HUMAN DEVOLUTION by Michael A Cremo Audio book part 2

HUMAN DEVOLUTION by Michael A Cremo Audio book part 2 Hello dear audio books lovers. Human Devolution is an audio book written by Michael A. Cremo that challenges the mainstream view of human evolution. In this book, Cremo presents evidence that suggests humans did not evolve from primates, but rather devolved from a more advanced, spiritual state. The book provides an alternative perspective on human origins, and seeks to shed light on the origins of consciousness, culture, and civilization. Part 1 of Human Devolution is available for free from the best free audio library, and this comprehensive review will cover the key themes and ideas presented in the audio book. Listeners will gain an in-depth understanding of the devolution theory, and how it challenges traditional scientific theories of human evolution. This review will also explore Cremo’s evidence for devolution, and discuss its implications for our understanding of humanity’s past, present, and future. Listeners of Human Devolution will discover a thought-provoking alternative to the prevailing narrative of human evolution. The book challenges our understanding of who we are and where we came from, and raises important questions about the nature of consciousness, spirituality, and the human experience. Thank you for listening and your support! #HumanDevolution, #MichaelACremo, #Audiobook, #Freeaudiobook, #Bestfreeaudiolibrary, #Devolutiontheory, #Humanevolution, #Alternativeperspective, #Consciousness, #Culture, #Civilization, #Scientifictheories,
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