I first came across Tim’s guitar playing by watching Pink Floyd’s Pulse live video over and over again as a teenager. Being the geek that I am, I found out what I could about the session musicians involved and discovered that Tim had played all over a favourite Elton John album of mine, ‘A Single Man’, and also supplied sublime parts to Richard Wright’s 1996 solo album, ‘Broken China’, which I loved. Fast forward 20 plus years and I met Tim through guitar-making genius, Tom Gray. After we connected on Facebook, I summoned the courage to ask Tim whether he’d consider playing on something of mine. This was just as I was developing my new emphasis on ambient and instrumental music using real sound recorded with a new piece of equipment I had bought. I had tracked the dawn chorus whilst on a weekend break in north Dorset and put some basic programming around it which I sent to Tim. Tim recorded his guitar parts at home in Cornwall and sent them back to me. Grant Howard provided additional keys fro
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