Hardest Bars Routine in the World

A compiltaiton of difficult skills on the uneven bars! This routine has a 9.6 D score! The Routine: --MOUNT: Arabian thing, cast to handstand (E) --Stalder with 1.5 pirouette (E) Straddled jaeger ½ (E) Straddled Jaeger (D) .3 CONNECTION --Cast handstand(B) Back giant to DBL turn(D) back giant with full turn(C) Blind Change(B) Ono(E) Markelov(D) Gienger(D) .6 CONNECTION --Cast Handstand (B) Toe-On Marinich (F) Uprise, Clear hip 1/1(D) Chusovitina pirouette(D) Hindorf (E) Pi
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