What to Watch Out for in Relationships | Financial Relationship Advice

One thing is clear - it is important to figure out early what are financial red flags and to talk openly about finances with your significant other - because a lasting relationship REQUIRES FINANCIAL INTIMACY. That’s why I’m doing this “Love ‘n Money Series” - to explore issues related to money and relationships. In this video I’ll cover (1) what to watch out for in relationships, (2) how to spot “Financial Red Flags” and (3) how to think through whether it makes sense to stay in the relationship (if the issues are fixable) or whether you should cut your losses and peace out (AKA leave). // TOPICS 00:00 Intro 03:04 Financial Red Flag #1: Lies about finances or job 04:09 Financial Red Flag #2: Unwilling to talk about money 06:13 Financial Red Flag #3: Financially irresponsible 08:09 Financial Red Flag #4: Having bad debt or bad credit 09:32 If you see these financial red flags, should you stay or go?
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