Frictionless Tutorials Made Easy with WebContainer API with Jòan Varvenne (Frontend Nation Talk) (Дата оригинальной публикации:
Frontend Devs - Ever struggle building tutorials for your framework? Jòan Varvenne will show you how to ditch the setup struggles & create SMOOTH, browser-based tutorials using the WebContainer API.
❌ Stop worrying about:
- Different dev environments
- Missing package managers
- Extra setup steps
✅ Focus on:
- Creating an amazing learning experience for everyone
- Zero-friction tutorials accessible on any device
Inspired by Svelte, Angular & Nuxt: Learn how you can build frictionless tutorials to empower your users.
#webdev #tutorials #webcontainer #devx #frontendnation
Don’t miss out on the full experience! Catch Jòan’s talk and many more at Frontend Nation. This free online conference takes place June 4th-7th, 2024 and offers a wealth of insights on the latest trends and tools in frontend development. Secure your free spot today and join a global community of passionate frontend devs!
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