Entombed Boy Snatched From Death Aka Entombos Boy (1957)

Mandurah, Australia. Two year old boy named Graham is rescued from bore hole thanks to the effort of miners. CU. Newspaper headlines ’He’s Alive’ - ’Child buried twenty four hours’ - ’Two year old boy rescued from 25 ft. below the ground’. GV. Pan across workers, spectators, etc. CV. The hole of the shaft showing oxygen pipes lowered in and men working. CV. Vacuum cleaner pipe being lowered into the hole to draw out the stale air. SV. Diagram - stick at top of shaft moves down to bottom of the shaft where the boy is trapped. Stick points to the open cut section of the mine and points to the narrow connecting shaft - three feet across, nine feet down and eight feet to the boy - pointing to the miners’ rout to the boy. CV. Workmen toiling away, one has a pneumatic drill. SV. Spectators. CV. Pan down the rocks to the hole showing pipes etc. SV. Ambulance men standing by. SV. Water in a can being lowered down to thirsty miners. SV. Father of the child shouting down the hole, camera pans down to the hole. SV.
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