Video by Kirill Mironov

We love bows and arrows here at The Slingshot Channel. A good bow has everything we want in a weapon. Performance. Impact. Accuracy. Silence. and and and. What it does NOT have is shot frequency. If you are no Lars Andersen (our hats are off!), chances are you will need at least four seconds reloading time between arrows. That leaves a lot to be desired. It makes the weapon useless against a group of Zombies (or other aggressors) and also it does not allow quick follow up shots for hunting. But most of all, the slow fire rate simply reduces the fun. “Instant Legolas“ changes that! simple invention allows complete newbies to shoot four arrows in under four seconds. Basically you are only limited to the time you need to draw back and shoot. You don’t even touch the arrows before you refill the magazine. We feel “Instant Legolas“ is one of the coolest ideas we ever came up with. This invention has been put into the public domain with no limits. You may use it, enhance it, develop commercial products out of it, no strings attached. Good luck! A “The Slingshot Channel“ Production.
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