What is the difference between a hurricane, a typhoon, and a cyclone?
We look at where each weather phenomenon forms and takes place (on a map), and we also look at how the direction of a hurricane / typhoon / cyclone spins in a different direction depending on whether it happens in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere.
We also quickly look at the difference between American English and British English when talking about something moving in the opposite direction to clockwise. Is it counter-clockwise or anti-clockwise?
What is the difference between counter-clockwise and anti-clockwise?
Here are the sections of this lesson:
0:00 Introduction
0:12 What is the general difference?
0:40 Where do hurricanes happen?
1:00 Where do typhoons happen?
1:10 Where do cyclones happen?
1:22 World map of where hurricanes/typhoons/cyclones happen.
2:04 Direction a hurricane spins / Direction a typhoon spins
2:27 Direction a cyclone spins
2:36 Question for you
2:49 Summary Chart
#Hurricane #Cyclone #Typhoon
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- Rob Woodward
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