Russian S-550 That Can Hunt ICBMs Spooks Putin’s Enemies; Air Defence System Can Cripple Even U.S.

Russia is developing its most advanced air defence system, the S-550. The formidable weapon system is able to eliminate intercontinental ballistic missiles at a longer range as well as satellites. According to TASS, the S-550 could be commissioned as early as 2025. Watch this video to know more. #russia #s550 #airdefencesystem #formidableweapon #putin #us #icbm #satellites #longrangemissiles #intercontinentalballisticmissiles Hindustan Times Videos bring you news, views and explainers about current issues in India and across the globe. We’re always excited to report the news as quickly as po...ssible, use new technological tools to reach you better and tell stories with a 360 degree view to give you a better understanding of the world around you.
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