Borboleta / NyNORSK / Carte Blanche

“NyNORSK“ consists of new works by a new generation of Nordic choreographers in a triple bill that promises to be a triple treat of provocative propositions, exhilarating movement and outstanding dancing. Cast Borboleta: Jonas Örknér | Yaniv Cohen | Shlomi Ruimi | James Finnemore | Camilla Cohen | Mai Lisa Guinoo | Nuria Guiu Sagarra | Jennifer Dubrehuil Houthemann| Guro Rimeslåtten “NyNORSK“ en treenighet av provoserende ideer, spreke bevegelser og fremragende, presis og kraftfull dans! Dansere: Jonas Örknér | Yaniv Cohen | Shlomi Ruimi | James Finnemore | Camilla Cohen | Mai Lisa Guinoo | Nuria Guiu Sagarra | Jennifer Dubrehuil Houthemann| Guro Rimeslåtten “Borboleta“ - Koreografi / Choreographer: Kristin Hjort Inao & Yoshifumi Inao “Fallen Behind Me“ - Koreografi / Choreographer: Christopher Arouni “Horisontale plan“ - Koreografi / Choreographer: Heine Røsdal
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