Audio: Paul McCartney, Michael Jackson, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Me, Wooper, John Scena, John Cena, The Noid, Verbalase, Angeldust, Pissflake man, Souljaboy, Someone From Jojo, Nestlé da corporation, piss, All threee of the Reese’s Puffs rappers, Da funny man, Tommy Wiseau, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Godzilla, Batman, Shaquille O’Neal, Aaron Carter, Abraham Lincoln, Optimus Prime, McGruff the Crime Dog, Jackie Chan, Indiana Jones, Care Bear, Chuck Norris, Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Monty Python and the Holy Grail’s Black Knight, Benito Mussolini, Blue Mea
...nie, Cowboy Curtis, Jambi the Genie, RoboCop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, Darth Vader, Lo Pan, Superman, Every Single Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston, Theodore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, Hulk Hogan, Mr. Rogers, You, Vavr, a dog, Google Chrome, Mario, Luigi, Noriaki Kakyoin, N, A Fish, Neil Cicierega, The entire state of Mississippi, Mario 2, Mario 14, Mario 7, Mario 8, Mario , Weezer, Market Pliers, weegee gShow more