TIGER II vs T-54 | 88mm vs T-54 Turret | Armour Penetration Simulation

The T-54 was designed to resist the German 75mm and 88mm high velocity cannons from the front, however testing in Yugoslavia showed that the front of the turret could actually be penetrated by the 88mm at 600m or less. The simulation presents this scenario with the 88mm shell impacting the most vulnerable part of the turret’s front -around the optic port. The turret’s Cast Homogenous Armour (CHA) has been modelled with a hardness of 270BHN. The cut out for the optic was approximated based on numerous images. A cut-out like this causes an unsupported weak spot in the armour, with the shell ten...ding towards the hole as it is the path of least resistance, also known as the edge effect. The T-54 shown is the T-54-3 variant. Amazing Thumbnail Artwork from: Ivan Chukarev
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