1143 - Nanda Nandana Navanita Chora Brindavana Murari | Baba Sings | Rare Bhajan #ugadi

#krishnabhajan #srisathyasaibaba #Soothing #divinevoice #ugadi Begin the new month, the month of Aradhana with a rare vintage Bhajan in the golden voice of Bhagawan. Even as we step into the auspicious year, Shubhakrit, let us fill it with the sweetness of Sankirtana! Lyrics: Nanda Nandana Navanita Chora Brindavana Murari Shyam Sundara Madana Mohana Brindavana Murari Karuna Sagara Kamala Nayana Brindavana Murari Shyam Sundara Madan Mohana Brindavana Murari Meaning: The Son of Nanda and the Stealer of butter, the Resident of Brindavan, the Vanquisher of the demon Mura The dark-hued Lord K...rishna, the Resident of Brindavan, the Vanquisher of the demon Mura The Ocean of compassion, the lotus-eyed One, the Resident of Brindavan, the Vanquisher of the demon Mura The dark-hued Lord Krishna, the Resident of Brindavan, the Vanquisher of the demon Mura #aradhana2022 #ugadi
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