♪ Re:Zero [AMV] - Limitless

► Description: Hello! Jozt and me decided to collab using “Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu“ for the weekend and this is the result! I don’t know if is the video or the song, but we got goosebumps watching it. Jozt’s channel: 00:00 - 00:49 Strat 00:50 - 01:37 Jozt 01:38 - 02:01 Strat 02:02 - 02:52 Jozt 02:53 - 03:40 Strat 03:41 - 04:05 Jozt ► DL: ► Anime: (see the credits in the video) ► Music: Adventure Club - Limitles
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