Apollo 17 pre launch, launch abort, recycle and actual launch over 2 hours later. With available pre launch footage.
The abort happens at T-30 seconds. 34:24 in the video.
From the abort onwards audio and footage is live, but silent phases (wihtout footage) are cut out. So the delay of about 2hours 40 minutes (in reality, with a lot of quiet phases) is shorter.
The abort happens at T-30 seconds. 34:24 in the video.
0:00 Pre Launch footage. Suiting up, driving off to launchpad.
10:19 no more audio. Added 8minute pre-flight interview with Gene Cernan.
21:00 Astronauts boarding. No sound.
34:10 Coming up on (first) launch and cutoff.
44:30 Problem explained by PAO
1:13:15 Final Countdown picks up at t-8 minutes
1:22:20 T-1minute and launch (w onboard audio).
1:37:40 Pao about orbit and changes due to late liftoff