Occupiers have permission to fire at civilians in the temporarily occupied Kherson region.

Occupiers have permission to fire at civilians at checkpoints in the temporarily occupied Kherson region. This is evidenced by a conversation between two occupiers from the so-called ‘DNR’ intercepted by the SSU. They patrol for ruscists at neighbouring checkpoints in Kherson region. ‘I was told: if you see anyone suspicious, f**king burn them without even talking… I have the major’s order: a car or a truck appears, or anything with apples, you look and ask ‘What are you carrying?’ If a person is suspicious, f**king shoot without talking,’ a soldier with the call sign Sedoy says. His interlocutor clarifies: ‘Yeah, you will be the first to burn them on your side. And if you don’t do it, then we will. Right?’ While the occupiers decide who’ll be the first to kill peaceful drivers on the road, Ukrainian defenders have eliminated over 31,000 enemies in combat.
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