Griffin Village - Autumn (Derpy Hooves)

Hello hello again! Back with a brand new Griffin Village song about everypony’s favorite Mailmare! Derpy has always been a constant in the fanbase, there from the very beginning! Her birthday wasn’t too long ago, so let this serve to a tribute to not only the amazingly awesome background pony, but also to the fanbase! Providing super duper amazing fanon for everyone to revel in and expand upon! I wish I could make up stuff like you all could! Going for pure Owl City vibe again with this tune. This was written almost instantaneously in a Chick-Fil-A on my campus, there were autumn leaves everywhere. Down in NC the leaves go super bright orange! Let’s say that this song is from the same perspective as “Summer (Lyra and BonBon)“. Who wouldn’t wanna be friends with Derpy! Lyrics: I know a mare, she knows me too The stunning Derpy Hooves, or Ditzy Doo If you’ve got a note she’ll send it But don’t you be mad
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