Living in a Primitive Stone and Wood House

2 Days of Natural Life in Secluded Cottage in Turkey’s 3000m Hightest Mountain Range Today, I am sharing the 2nd video of the 2 days I spent in a mountain (highland) house that I took towards the end of the summer months. Even though this journey I made with my heirloom Landrover Defender took a long time, this abandoned house and the atmosphere of nature made me dance with the clouds so that I would not return to the city again. The fog suddenly closing the atmosphere, the strong wind blowing into the house, the crackling of the wood coming out of the stove, the sound of boiling water and the sounds of wild birds flying around me are indescribable... I probably have to make myself a gift like this every year. This house, built with primitive methods by these people living in the Ancient Period, is standing solidly and its energy is really great. Thank you for watching and commenting and I am waiting for a short story that you live or want to live like this atmosphere. In this video, we’
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