JEFF The Brotherhood - Punishment [Official Music Video]
Directed by: Jen Uman and Grant Davis
Shot in Bathinda,Punjab, India
Driver: Harpreet Dev is well-known in his hometown of Bhatinda, Punjab, for his 14 year career in reverse driving. He began reverse driving when his Fiat Padmini got stuck in reverse gear late one night and with no money to get home he drove backwards many miles until returning to Bhatinda. The next morning he painted the words ‘Back Gear Champion’ on the side of the car and redesigned its gearbox to have four reverse gears and only one forward. Harpreet can now comfortably drive backwards at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour. He has also been awarded a special government license that allows him to drive backwards in any state in the northern part of India and owns and operates a Back Gear Learning, a driving school for men and women that has been recognized as the Limca Book of records best driving school in India.