Labour Meet At Blackpool (1956)

Blackpool, Lancashire. GV. Blackpool Tower in the background. AS. Sign “55th Annual Conference of the Labour Party“. SV. Group on doorstep of Conference Hall including Dr Edith Summerskill, Hugh Gaitskell, James Griffiths and Frank Cousins from Transport and General Workers Union. SV. Towards, Clement Attlee walking along with wife. SCU. Photographers. CU. Earl Attlee signing autograph for woman. CU. Anthony Greenwood. SCU. Towards, Harold Wilson outside conference hall. CU. Barbara Castle outside conference hall. SCU. Ian Mikardo with a friend changing a £ 1 note. CU. Ian Mikardo. CU. Thomas Driberg, Labour MP (Member of Parliament) for Maldon. SCU. Group on doorstep - George Brown with wife and Mr Cousins and wife. CU. George Brown. SCU. Sidney Silverman talking to Aneurin (Nye) Bevan, who was elected treasurer at the conference. CU. Aneurin Bevan. GV. Entrance to the winner garden, Blackpool, people milling around. This conference is particularly significant as one at which Nye Bevan returns on the Pa
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