FL Studio- How to use FL as a VST Inside Ableton Live

This video shows users how to run FL Studio as a VST inside another digital audio workstation (or DAW). In this video, I am using Ableton Live 9 Lite to run FL Studio as a VSTi. When you download FL Studio, the two VST plugins (VSTi and VSTi (Multi)) should have also downloaded somewhere to your computer. If you want to run FL Studio and route individual instruments from FL Studio into Ableton, you should use the VSTi (Multi). However, if you’re like me and can only have a maximum total of 8 mixer tracks in Ableton Live because you are using the Lite version (or if you simply don’t need to route FL Studio instruments into Ableton’s mixer), it makes more sense to run the VSTi plugin. If you need to do separate signal processing, you can just do that within FL Studio’s mixer, and then use Ableton’s 7 other channels for Ableton related things. It is important to note that when running a setup like this, the “Master Out“ is located within Ableton. EVERY sound you hear or play will go
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