Unknown Origin Craft Possibly Surveying Earth But Why @ufonews1

What do I see here, I see a UFO craft of unknown origin possibly surveying Earth? I say that because on the side that is directly looking or always facing Earth there’s an opening that could have a camera inside which would make it a man-made aerial vehicle? What better way to get in over “corporations or other countries“ and film away till your heart’s content and have the UFO community blame it on Aliens! Anyone who controls it and get’s away with it would have a home run on their hands in terms of a successful mission to film top secret areas. What if a certain corporation wants information on another company/corporation that is testing secret advanced technology at a certain time? Or what if a sub contracter of any given government black ops and black budget program wants information on say it’s own people? What better way to get the latest data available and blame it on the UFOs? Or what if it’s an Alien in the first model or type of UFO? Developing an advanced aerial vehicle doesn’t mean it goes straight to the end product or the ultimate craft. According to technology evolution it must go through a staging and a research and development phase. Even after that there’s always a better craft around the corner that has a cup holder more than the last one! If you understand the example I’ve just given? So what we’re seeing here could be an early model maybe? Just a thought. Here’s the link to the post: #ufo #ufosfootage #ufosightingsfootage #ufosighting #ufosightings #ufonews #ufo #ufosfootage #ufosightingsfootage #ufosighting #ufosightings #ufonews #aliens #disclosure #ufo361 🎵 Song: ’ASHUTOSH - Reality’ is under a creative commons license license. 🎶 Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:
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