Coming and Going Signed by Jim Goldberg

Coming and Going (Signed) by Jim Goldberg Goldberg offers a fierce, vulnerable, and at times overwhelming accounting of a life in search of the elusive universals of personal experience – one that constitutes his magnum opus and a significant contribution to contemporary bookmaking. Available now at BeyondWords Books Beyond Words is a specialist retailer of photographic books, founded by Neil McIlwraith in January 1998. We ran a bookshop on Edinburgh’s Cockburn Street until the summer of 2010. Since then we have concentrated on selling online. We scour the planet looking for the finest photographic titles from a wide range of publishers, often importing from Japanese publishers and from independent small publishers books that are not widely available. We have a reputation as a source for limited editions and signed copies. We also sell a range of the best photographic remainder titles at about a third of their published price.
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