Slander & Crankdat (feat. Asking Alexandria) // Kneel Before Me // OUT NOW 🎧 Support on all platforms: “When I started writing Asking Alexandria’s debut album, Stand Up and Scream, I wanted to mix trance and EDM with metal/rock music. People laughed and said the two genres would never co-exist. They were wrong. Fast forward 10 years and Crankdat, Slander and Asking Alexandria have teamed up to take these genres to a whole new level! This is heavy, ballsy and unapologetically in your fucking face! These two worlds have just collided like never before! Enjoy!“ - Ben Bruce (Asking Alexand...ria) “In high school indie rock and hardcore music were some of the first sounds we ever dove into as teenagers. Bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Underoath, Taking Back Sunday, and Asking Alexandria, could be heard blaring from our car speakers in our respective high school parking lots. This kind of music is in our core and
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