DIY fabric lilies of the valley🌱 Bouquet for the bride. Part 2: leaves and bouquet assembly

Master class fabric lilies of the valley - decoration for hair. How to make a beautiful wedding or evening decoration for the bride’s hairstyle or a chic voluminous brooch with lilies of the valley flowers for any special occasion, see this video tutorial from the flower artist Nadezhda Chereda. 🌸 Part 2: make leaves and assemble the composition - See the beginning of the master class in part 1 - CONTENT and timing of the video lesson: 0:00 Workshop “Decoration with fabric lilies of the valley“. Part 2: How to make lily of the valley leaves and collect a bouquet of lilies of the valley to decorate a hairstyle or hat. 0:14 We make blanks for lily of the valley leaves. 1:05 We make double leaves on the lining. How to glue leaves with glue cobwebs. 2:39 How to cut lily of the valley leaves from leaf blanks. 3:04 What to do if there are extra flowers of lilies of the valley? 3:16 Let’s move on to assembling a bunch of li
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