Song of Carthage - Epic Roman Music

Music & vocals by Farya Faraji. Please note that this isn’t reconstructed period music, only modern music using Ancient Roman instruments and aspects of their music theory. I especially wanted to emulate the high degree of chromaticism found in works if the era such as Mesomedes’ songs, with the melody switching between the Dorian Diatonic, Phrygian Diatonic, and Lydian Chromatic modes. The instruments are ancient lyres, aulos, askaulos and cymbals. The melody uses reconstructed Classical pronunciation and adheres to the Latin stress rule dictated by the long vs short vowel distinction in the language. Lyrics in Latin: A marī usqu’ad mare, rēgnāmus! A marī usqu’ad mare, rēgnāmus! Audīte Rōmānī, Saguntum captum est! Audīte Rōmānī, Saguntum captum est! Cēterum autem cēnseō Carthāginem esse dēléndam! Carthāgō dēlénda est! O Ini
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