Black Door (Netherlands) - Channeling Through Rectangular Windows (Comp) 2020

Act I: Haunting (00:00) 1. Old Ghost 2 . Solipsist Profanity Channeling 3 . Cursed to a Broken Existence 4 . Defiled, Debased And Desecrated Act II: Deprivation (12:13) 5 . Deprivation Part I 6 . Deprivation Part II 7 . Deprivation Part III 8 . Deprivation Part IV 9 . Deprivation Part V 10. Deprivation Part VI 11. Deprivation Part VII Act III: Amon-Ra (31:57) 12. Preludium 13. I 14. Interludium 15. II Act IV: Burial Crypt Under The Abando
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