Miracles and Holy Spirit outpouring in Orlando, Florida! ניסים ורוח הקודש משתפכים באורלנ&

Visit for more information about the book, “My Beloved Holy Spirit.“ 2024 a year to seek His face! What an amazing year 2023 has been, and we are full of expectancy to see what the Lord will do in 2024! This year we were able to see thousands receive salvation throughout the world, and at the same time we witnessed a glorious outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon so many lives in the United States! We would like to share a short video of the manifestation of the power of God that we experienced in Orlando, Florida. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our partners. Every life that you see in the videos receiving salvation, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, healing and deliverance was able to receive these gifts from the Lord thanks to your support. We believe that in 2024 we will be able to reach an even greater harvest of souls, and we will witness the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit that we have ever seen. If you
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