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Texas Man Shares Moment His Girlfriend Cheats, Handles It ’Like A Boss’ They are couples like Lurline and Wendell Cotton of Garland, Texas man had one of the worst days of his life when he found his lover in his bed with another man. His sweetheart was passed out and drunk, and his reaction was not what you would expect of someone in his position. ►Don’t forget to subscribe and share please help us to reach the subscriber by clicking on the link Narration by Scott Leffler -- Texas Man Shares Moment His Girlfriend Cheats, Handles It ’Like A Boss’ . Duston Holloway had an extraordinary response when he strolled into his room and , Admitting that he wanted to “kick his a**,” Holloway continued, “But I calmly just took selfies and walked like a boss lol.” Holloway further
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