“Read for Peace Celebrating the Freedom to Read in Libraries” - Banned Books Week webinar MLAS/FAIFE
“Read for Peace: Celebrating the Freedom to Read in Libraries” Banned Books Week webinar (MLAS/FAIFE)
IFLA’s Management of Library Associations (MLAS) in collaboration with the Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression Advisory Committee (FAIFE), is presenting a webinar to commemorate Banned Books Week.
“Read for Peace: Celebrating the Freedom to Read in Libraries”
As in previous years, we are celebrating the freedom to read and Banned Books Week. An initiative from the American Library Association that seeks to bring together the entire book community — librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types — in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas. You can watch our 2023 webinar here.
Through engaging discussions, we will celebrate the freedom to read and highlight the power of literature to bridge divides, challenge censorship, and inspire positive change. Whether you’re a reader, a library advocate, or simply passionate about freedom of expression, this event invites everyone to join the conversation and support the right to read without restrictions.
Now more than ever, we must uphold the principles conveyed by the Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
Moderators and Speakers:
*Stuart Hamilton, IFLA Governing Board Member, Head of Libraries Development for the Local Government Management Agency (LGMA), Ireland
*Buhle Mbambo-Thata (DPHL), University Librarian National University of Lesotho Libraries, Lesotho
*Loida Garcia-Febo, Chair IFLA MLAS, IFLA Governing Board Member, International Library Consultant, USA/PR
*Jonathan Hernandez, Chair IFLA FAIFE, Researcher at Library and Information Research Institute IIBI-UNAM, Mexico
2 days ago 11:29:01 1
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